Passive House Retrofit in Monkstown, Co. Dublin
This case study showcases a remarkable transformation of a 1960s semi-detached house in Monkstown, Co. Dublin.
Miles Sampson BAarch | #2713
This certified Passive House in Mallow, County Cork, completed in 2010, is a unique contemporary design by architect Miles Sampson.
Joseph Little Architects | #2515
This EnerPHit refurbishment project in Dublin involved upgrading a semi-detached house built in 1960.
Home Space Planner | #2493
The certified Passive House in Galway is a two-family home with a total treated floor area of 334 m².
McMahon Conroy Architects | #2472
A Passivhaus-certified home in Caherconlish, Limerick, designed by McMahon Conroy Architects
Kavanagh Tuite Architects | #2356
The Roebuck Student Residences in Dublin, designed by Kavanagh Tuite Architects, is a certified Passive House building with 130 apartments and a total floor area of 3,097 m².
Mosart Passive House | #2309
This MosArt Passive House project in Ireland highlights sustainable design, combining airtight construction, advanced insulation, and a heat recovery ventilation system for energy efficiency and comfort.
Mannion Passive House Builders | 2297
This Passive House project in Ireland emphasizes energy efficiency and sustainability with high-performance insulation, airtight construction, and a mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery.
Passive House Builder | #2286
This Passive House in Galway, Ireland exemplifies sustainable design with features like airtight construction, superior insulation, triple-glazed windows, and a heat recovery ventilation system for optimal energy efficiency and comfort.
Wain Morehead Architects | #2279
This case study features a Passive House designed by Wain Moorehead Architects in Ireland.