Helena McElmeel Architects
Helena McElmeel Architects is an award-winning team of architects specialising in Certified Passive House and sustainable buildings, urban design and public realm.
Established in 2011, the practice has over 12 years’ experience designing and delivering Certified Passive House buildings in Ireland, with four in-house Certified Passive House Designers, two WELL Accredited Professionals and a Home Performance Index Assessor. This experienced team embeds passive house strategies and design detail efficiently into all Passive House and EnerPHit projects.
Helena McElmeel Architects contributes to academic and research studies relating to energy and carbon in new build and retrofitted buildings. The practice is a BUS Methodology licenced partner, providing post occupancy evaluation services.
The practice principal, Helena McElmeel is Chairperson of the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland Sustainability Taskforce, advocating for better buildings designed for performance, operational energy and embodied carbon for new build and retrofitted buildings.