Dr. Shane Colclough, Ulster university, is leading a research project on the performance of passive houses and contemporaneous houses built to the minimum building regulations on the island if Ireland. The first report has been issued to the industry partners and highlights the potential of the Passive House standard for Northern Ireland. The results found that the certified PH houses gave greater thermal comfort (being on average 1.5°C warmer) and yet consumed one third of the heating energy during the heating period. They also performed well with respect to indoor air quality having lower CO2 concentrations.
The report is the result of a successful partnership between Ulster University and five entrepreneurs involved in the passive house construction and manufacturing sectors. The group gathered together to bridge the knowledge gap about passive houses. The evidence based research will facilitate communities, politicians and the market gain a better understanding of the potential for the PH Standard.
The International and Irish best practice section (more info) on the application of the PH Standard contained in the report, was done in conjunction with the PHAI and highlights the potential. The global community is moving towards a greener and more sustainable future for the building sector, and Northern Ireland needs to embrace this progress. Compared to the Republic and mainland UK, the number of certified passive houses in Northern Ireland is still significantly low, and the upcoming exit from the European Union might deprive the country of a solid regulation for the sector. Despite that, Northern Ireland has the chance to learn from other countries’ experience, and to benefit significantly.