POSTED: 24 JULY 2017
The Passive House Association of Ireland is delighted to make available on its website the first Irish map of certified passive house projects. The map is an interactive interface linked to the Passive House Database, which provides more detailed information on each project. Each dot on the map represents one of the 38 certified buildings spread across Ireland and Northern Ireland: by clicking on each dot a short description of the building appears showing type and year of construction, together with the PH Database project link. The map is a visual representation of the spread of passive houses, and it offers, together with the other online resources provided by the PHAI, an overview of the Standard’s development in Ireland.
An International Projects Map is available as well on the PHAI website, thanks to the contribution of the PassiveHouse Institute.
The maps can be viewed on the Projects section of the PHAI website, by clicking on Irish Projects Map & International Projects Map.