Membership Checkout


Membership Level change

You have selected the Medium Organisation (Special Offer) membership level.

This offer is for certified passivhaus designers, certified passivhaus technicians and certified passivhaus consultants only. To avail of our special offer of free membership for the first 6 months, all you have to do is let us know the company with which you obtained your accreditation (so we can perform the required verification), and signup with this form in the usual fashion, agreeing that payments begin automatically after 180 days.

This introductory offer is available only to first time members and holders of a passivhaus professional certificate. You must send proof of certification to within the first ten working days of your membership or the offer will be rescinded.

By joining as a paid member of the Passive House Association of Ireland, you are agreeing to the articles of association therein.

Below you are asked to choose a username and password for yourself, through which you can:

  • access member's only content on this site
  • manage your membership and payments
  • view past invoices
  • change your password

Your email address, full name, postal address, company name, industry and information about your accreditation are also required.  The other fields are voluntary.

***To pay by cheque: Please post cheque payable to Passive House Association Ireland to: Yvonne Colclough , PHAI, 10 Mount Pleasant Parade, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 and include: your name, company, email address and phone number

The price for membership is €0.00 now and then €500.00 per Year after your 180 day trial.

Do you have a discount code? Click here to enter your discount code.

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