International Passive House Conference 2015 in Leipzig

Solar-Store-Presenation1Another successful International Passive House conference was held in Leipzig on 17th & 18th April 2015.

One of the main themes to come across at the conference was the reduced costs of building to Passive House standard now compared with the past – due to the reduction in the cost of Passive House components.

Also highlighted was the clear role that Passive House can play in achieving Nearly Zero Energy Buildings across Europe.

It was great to see that the PHAI community was represented by Tomas O Leary who presented on the EuroPHit project, Shane Colclough, presented on the performance of the seasonal energy store installation in Galway and Coillte presented their new airtight OSB product.

This year’s Pioneer Award, which recognizes the trailblazers of energy efficient construction, went to Canada. Harold Orr and his collaborators on the Saskatchewan Conservation House project were recognized. Through their studies 40 years ago they already realised that efficiency is the key to sustainable construction.