21 March 2013 | 17.00 | Loughview Suite, Room 8H01B, Main Building, University of Ulster, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim | Directions (PDF) | Attendance Fee £10 / Students £5 – All Proceeds to PHAI | Brochure (PDF)
The Passive House Association of Ireland visits the University of Ulster for the Passive House Briefing event. The event commences with a tour of The Centre for Sustainability Laboratory building consisting of nine laboratory spaces. Please book the tour by email to s.colclough@ulster.ac.uk by 19 March.
Of particular interest to the passive house research community is the availability of Ireland’s first Passive House test studio. The room has been extensively tested and conforms with the Passive requirements with respect to airtightness, insulation levels etc. It’s most recent use was in the testing of the effectiveness of wallboards incorporating phase change materials (PCM). The study looked at the moderation of temperature swings in passive houses located in temperate maritime climates when equipped with PCM wallboards.
The welcome address by Prof. Neil Hewitt of University of Ulster, is followed by presentations on Passive House projects and a review of Passive House research initiatives. Martin Murray of the PHAI facilitates the Q&A and closing session.
Peter Keig, who is presenting on the night, will also have his house open for viewings on Saturday, 23 March 2013. The retrofit of this solid wall Victorian mid-terrace house in Belfast is part of the SuperHomes Network and was based on Passivhaus principles using PHPP to carry out a sensitivity analysis of retrofit measures. Achieving good Airtightness was a critical feature of the build and the final N50 was measured by BSRIA at 0.31 ACH. The house is being subjected to two years of monitoring to collect data on energy use, indoor air quality (IAQ) and thermal comfort. To book a visit to St. Vincent Street, please check details on www.superhomes.org.uk
Full Programme:
17.00 Optional Tour of Laboratory including Ireland’s First Passive House Test Studio
17.30 Tea, Coffee and Sandwiches served in Loughview Suite, Room 8H01B
18.00 Prof. Neil Hewitt, University of Ulster – Welcome Address
18.10 Paul McAlister, Architects & Energy Consultants – “Passive House – What does it cost?” – An actual project with actual costs
18.30 Dr . Shane Colclough, University of Ulster – “Passive Houses – Current Research in Ireland”
18.50 Mark Gribbin, Setanta Construction – “The Importance of Thermal Bridging”
19.10 Peter Keig, Eco Energy (NI) – Case Study: “Eco-Energy Retrofit, Grove Housing Association Belfast”
19.30 Martin Murray, Chair, Passive House Association of Ireland – Q&A and Closeland”
18.50 Mark Gribbin, Setanta Construction – “Passive Houses: Completed Case Studies”
19.10 Peter Keig, Eco Energy (NI) – Case Study: “Eco-Energy Retrofit, Grove Housing Association Belfast”
19.30 Martin Murray, Chair, Passive House Association of Ireland – Q&A and Close